***Given ongoing concern around the current outbreak of respiratory illness caused by COVID-19, we have made the difficult decision to postpone our second annual Speedway Spin. The new date for 2020 will be announced as soon as possible. We appreciate your understanding and support; if you have any questions or concerns about this year’s event, please contact Kelly Watrous at kelly.watrous@choa.org or 404-785-7382.
Click here to see photos from the 2019 event!
The 2nd annual Speedway Spin benefiting Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta event will be held exclusively on the grounds of Atlanta’s NASCAR track, Atlanta Motor Speedway, on Saturday, June 13 new date TBA.
The ride will feature loops riding around the 1.5 mile oval NASCAR track along with a route that circles the immediate outside of the race track on the grounds of Atlanta Motor Speedway. No cars are allowed on the route.
Cyclists will have the opportunity to complete 15 miles, 30 miles or a 62-mile Metric Century. The event will also have food and beverages inside the oval race track for cyclists to enjoy throughout and after the event.
While fundraising to participate is not required, it is highly encouraged since all funds will benefit the patients and families cared for at Children’s. Riders who raise at least $500 will have access to a garage bay for their bicycles that the NASCAR drivers use for their race cars. A NASCAR pace car will also take all of the cyclists out on the first lap to begin the ride. Register today and join us in supporting Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta!