2024 Miles for Miracles

Aflac NY-Metro/Long Island SUPER FRIENDS!


Our Market's proudly participating in Children's Healthcare of Atlanta's 4th annual 'Miles for Miracles,' benefiting the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center!  The drive's symbolic # this year is 29:
  1. Everyone's super excited about the Center opening its new home on Sep. 29th at CHOA's Arthur M. Blank Hospital!
  2. The Center's celebrating 29 years of creating miracles for kids and their families!
  3. And the drive's aiming to get participants active for one mile a day from 9/1-9/29, for a total of 29 miles.

Now, quite frankly, I couldn't care if you run 29 miles or walk 29 steps this month!  And I couldn't imagine the Market Office caring about your 'miles metric,' either!  But what we all care passionately about is continuing to be the best SUPER FRIENDS we can be to all the kids and families at the Aflac Cancer Center!

We're asking all who are ready, willing, able & SUPER to donate $29 each to this incredibly special cause!  Our Market's super modest goal is $500, meaning it'll take 18 of us to donate $29 each to hit our quota.  And what we'd really love to see is 36 of us donate $29 each, and come in over 200% of quota! 
So, RISE UP ALL AFLAC NY-M/LI SUPER FRIENDS & let's make sure each & every kid at the Center knows they have a Team of Super Friends in NY looking out for them!  Don't wait!  Make your $29 donation (or higher) right now!
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