Welcome to BAHeroLA
We are Amy and Brittany, founding members of Team LA supporting Dr. Harpen at CHOA.
Both of our sons Briggs and Liam were born with Biliary Atresia. Briggs and Liam were both diagnosed around 1 month old and. Both of our sons had life saving liver transplants at Ochsner Multi Organ Transplant Institute in New Orleans, LA thanks to our wonderful heroes. While this disease is multifacted and is different for every child, it was this disease that brought Amy and I together.
We both know how awful and ugly this disease is. Thankfully both of our sons are on the path to healing, so this is our way to try to help others that are now walking in our shoes. By creating Team Louisiana, we are hoping to encourage other families from Louisiana to join us and help raise money for research. One day we will find a cause and eventually a cure. We are #momsonamission and we will not give up!
Team Louisiana: These are our BA Heros
- Briggs Elliser 5 years old, 3 transplants
- Liam Williamson 4 years old, 1 transplant
Thank you for helping me reach my fundraising goal in support of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.